Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I am a seeker, have always wondered why things are the way they are. I seek truth, I seek answers, I seek love and compassion, and I seek kinship and tolerance.

One reason I began blogging was in hope of creating a circle of women who weaved a web of support for each other. A non-judgmental tribe who saw each other with love and hope and offered a safe place to grow into ourselves as mothers, as women. A celebration of our triumphs and growing pains. This place has helped me feel supported in a way that I have longed for. 

Recently, I have felt very uninspired and somewhat bogged down with the daily grind. Doing what I always do when I feel stagnant I went seeking. By chance I stumbled upon Ms. Lauren Luquin's site and felt so compelled to join her Intuitive Heart Sanctuary. But, I don't do stuff like that. It is way too intimidating for me, having to share myself with others in such an intimate setting. Yep, scares the crap out of me. After meditating on it for a few days, I knew I had to do it, no matter how scared I was.

So I start on Monday. I have no idea what I am doing. I have never taken an e course and it has been a long time since I took any kind of class. I am nervous, afraid of judgement (more from myself than anyone), but I know it is something I must do. It will take me somewhere I need to go.


  1. wow mama
    this is awesome
    it takes great courage to step out...
    my sense is you will not regret it

    what a great thing to do for yourself on this day of Summer Solstice
    the day of gratitude
    and expressing the light within you
    you have honoured that light by stepping out
    and in turn
    inspire others to do so
    thank you for that

    love and light

  2. I have heard such wonderful about the course. I admire your bravery and can't wait to hear where it takes you!

  3. It's going to be open and sweet and gentle, this is my feeling, I am so glad your coming along and that we all will have a chance to get to know each other better... This is also my first E course, yay and big love for us.x

  4. I think you'll like it, doing something new is always fun and who know, you might make some new internet friends and that is always a good thing :)

  5. so excited for you!!! it sounds like a truly positive experience, and I hope you're left with many magical memories.

    I've never taken an e-course, or done anything like this anywhere. can't wait to read about your journey!


  6. Good for you! You are SO healthy to challenge yourself. You'll rock it!

  7. It's good being brave. I'm sure the experience will bring lots of good things to you. There have been lots of e-courses I would have loved to do but the money always seems to have a more 'important' place to go. Like a leaky roof or a huge bill.
    Let us know all that you can about your experience, I'd love to hear about it all.

  8. The course sounds wonderful Jess and I know it will bring many gifts to you...enjoy--every minute of it!!!

  9. I am so glad you joined. I love your blog, and you have such a beautiful family. Thank you for sharing your light so lovingly and open to others... xo


Thank you so much for bringing your energy! It fills me up to see your comments xoxo